Monday, February 13, 2017

Week 2 Updates

This week, I was able to charge a battery fully to determine the maximum voltage.

The initial voltage of the battery was 7.44 V.

The maximum voltage of the battery was 8.59 V after 67 minutes of charging. Further charging did not increase the voltage reading of the battery. 

Several issues were discussed with the track manufacturing team:
  1. Ribs for the solar rack: arc length, radius, amount of pieces
  2. Modifications to the T-bar pole mount to allow adjustment of positioning
  3. Available materials left over
The controls team was informed of the battery that will be used to power the bogies. A battery was given to Chris, who has a charger, to test the controls using the rechargeable battery. Several more will be given to Luis for backup.

The bogie team was also informed of the battery size. The position of the battery will be inside the cabin.

The design of the solar panel rack begun. Measurements and dimensions of the pieces forming the rack were taken and imposed into SolidWorks. Previous year's T-bar pole mount was mated to the new rack.

A clamp system will need to be implemented to secure the solar panel onto the rack. The battery box design will need to be updated to a box design with a hinge.

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